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Monday, June 15, 2009

Home sweet home

This morning Kal had a CT scan on his arms for his surgeon to look at before his next appointment.He wants the measurements of both humerus bones to work out when he needs an adjustment done.After that was finished Shay headed to the starlight room to spend the day with another of her favourite captains,captain casual.She has a few faves and it was a sad day for Shay yesterday as probably her all time favourite captain,captain meercat had her last day as a captain.Shay shed a few tears but i can tell you captain struggled also.They all just love Shaylie and I have no doubt they'll miss her as much as she will miss them.We dropped into Camperdown ward to say goodbye to the nurses and it was definitely a funny feeling to say goodbye.It was definitely the hardest time in my life but strangely enough very rewarding at the same time.Things happened that I wish I could forget but I'll take a lot of very fond memories from our time in Sydney.I was fortunate to meet some wonderful people and have made some life long friends out of this experience.We plan on catching up with a few later in the year.At around 3pm we started our journey home and the mixed feelings remained I think because i know that there's still a lot left to do for a while to come yet.

After we arrived home this evening we had family come over for a celebratory dinner. We had a few pizza's and everyone got to spend some time with Kal at home.We'll take a bit to get settled back in and then it'll be time for us to start getting back to normal.We will be taking time out at some stage to go for a holiday somewhere nice. I can't wait for that.


Kathryn said...

I put a post on my blog but just in case you did see it I wrote a little something for each of you...

Kallan.... I love you more than I can express, I am so, so proud of you. You have shown me how much one person can make such a difference not just in my life and everyone elses lives but in their own life too. Keep strong and always be that fun, sweet, spunky little man you are!

Shaylie.... you really are a delight. Nanny, Netty and Ronnie and everyone have loved having you around all the more when life was busy for Mummy and Daddy with Kallan. You are a star sweet girl!

Darren.... What a man you are! Karina, Kal and Shay are so blessed to have you. You have been an absolute champ with handling all you have. Breathe a huge sigh of relief and enjoy your own bed Dash!! I love you.

Karina.... I so, so love you. You have been pulled in every direction and what a stress for you. I could not imagine having to be away from Kal through much of this and I know it must have been the most difficult thing to go through. Your husband and children absolutely ADORE you. Hug them, hold them close and love them as they have never been loved before.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home to my Dearest Friends.
I have just shed tears of relief so I imagine over the last few days you have cried rivers.

Congratulations to you all for making it through the toughest time of your lives.

Kal you are my hero buddy.

Love you all so so much

Phil said...

Well I really think you all deserve a good break away as a family so that you can catch up on some of that precious time together that you have all been missing out on over the last 9 months. I don't think anyone realizes how much that means to a family until times like these when you have all been apart and only get small moments together at a time. As a mum I can only imagine how hard it must have been to be away from the rest of the family the way Karina was, but I'm sure things will sort themselves out now that you are a united family again.
It's so good to have you home Kal and to see you back at school.
Lots of love always
Nan & Pop

Samuel Procter said...

Kal & Darren Welcome home. Congratulations to you all for making it through the toughest time of your lives as a family.Glad everything went greathopefully see you in a couple of weeks or maybe sooner depending how you are feeling. From Samuel

Anonymous said...

I am glad that although there have been and still will be many ups and downs for both you and the family I think it is wonderful of the courage I have heard through poppy Robert and believe you are a remarkable boy. Keep up the fight and I hope I get to meet you one day in the future. Naomi