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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lazy sunday

Today we had a visit from Poppy and Noni but the down side of that is they took Nanny back home with them.It's been a massive help having her down here and it allowed me to do things that normally wouldn't have been possible.I'm sure i'll be calling on her services again before too long.On the plus side of things Karina returned much to the delight of Kallan and myself.Before Nan & Pop returned home we had a nice late bbq lunch.

In the evening we had a long overdue family outing to the movies to see Marley & Me a funny yet quite touching movie which,without giving too much away,both Kallan and Shaylie had a little cry towards the end.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow and hope we get the all clear to come home for a while.I also hope we get a better idea of when Kal's next round of chemo is going too start.I know Kal would rather it not start it at all but the sooner it starts the sooner it's all over

1 comment:

Phil said...

Hi to all

I must say that I really enjoyed my week with you all and you know I will be available whenever I am needed. It never ceases to amaze me how all the families go about their lives in such a seamingly normal way when they have loved ones so ill. You are all an inspiration.

Dash - I think I have become addicted to those iced chocolates you an Kal love so much, I feel like I am going through withdrawals already. Does everyone know that you don't even have to place an order anymore, they just get it ready for you when they see you walking their way.

I really hope you get to come home today, it will be great for you all, although I don't know how the Starlight room will function without you Shaylie. I guess it will give someone else a chance to win the quiz.

I almose forgot - please give Mel a big hug for me, sorry that I won't be there to see her but I know you are all looking forward to her visit - she has become a good friend to you Kal.

Lots and lots of love always
Nanny Carol