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Monday, December 1, 2008

Kallan is in a right old mess. He is not well. He looks terrible (Karina's words) with big red, swollen and puffy eyes. His lips are split, and needs his mouth swabbed to keep it clean and germ free as he has mouth ulcers. He can't talk and if he does, he has a husky old man's voice. He has spent the last two days in bed. He is very lethargic. On a positive note, he has not been vomitting.

Kallan takes a lot of medication orally. Due to the soreness of his throat, he is now given this intravenously. His throat is also numbed to aid him in eating and drinking (not that he is doing much of that).

Kallan said this is the worst he has felt during the whole ordeal.

I mentioned yesterday that there appeared to be some issues with his central line. Today Kallan had some xrays which confirmed a blockage in both lines. Things can go in but not out. As Kallan is required to have regular bloods taken, this is a problem. The blockage has been described as a flat straw that has been chewed - things can go one way, but not the other.

To correct the blockage, surgery is required. Surgery can not be performed until Kallan's throat has cleared, and the chemotherapy can not start until the blockage is cleared.

Shaylie is spending the week in Sydney. She got there at lunch time today. After lunch she spent some time doing some Christmas craft. She went to school in the afternoon and then spent a lot of time in the Starlight Room. When she came home from the Starlight Room she had a bad of goodies/prizes that she had won.

Sounds like she is having fun.


Kathryn said...

Oh Kal my boy. I just so feel for you right now! What a rough bout you are having right now. Our thoughts and prayers are constantly with you. We love you and wish for a speedy recovery from this nasty throat business. I just wish I could give you a big hug! Hang in there bud. Kathryn.xx.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kal

We wish we could take your pain away. Stay strong and we are thinking of you

luv the threlfo's xoxo

Phil said...

Kal my pal
We so wish there was something we could do to make things better for you, but I know that you will get there OK. We all just love you so much and wonder at the way you are dealing with all of this. Pop and I will see you today.
Love always
Nan & Pop

Anonymous said...

Hello Kal
We are so sorry to hear you are not feeling so good, we do think of you all the time and look at your blog every day, We also just like your nan and pop wish we could take it all away. Just remember we all love you and are so proud of the way you are handling yourself, all my workmates send you their best wishes. We will se you soon when we come down for christmas. Hang in there mate it will get better

Love from Poppie and Nanny Ruth

Anonymous said...

Kal we're just so sorry that you're feeling so bad and things have gone wrong with the line. It's good that you haven't been vomiting, but I guess there isn't much there to vomit! It must be nice to have Shaylie down there as well. I know it's easier said than done when you feel absolutely rotten - but try and tell yourself that this won't last, it will end and although it will take some time, you will get back to feeling fantastic again. Love Karen, Mark, Isaac & Saskia XXXX

Anonymous said...

Dear Kallan, I have just read your blogspot and couldn't find how to attach a message to it, so I am emailing you. Karen and Annette have just spoken to me also about your blog and how bad you are feeling. I am so sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Chin up little pal. I am thinking of you and hoping this will not last for too long and that you will begin to feel much better soon. It is nice for you to have Mum and Shaylie visit for a little while and be with you and Dad. I hope you enjoy their visit and being all together again. I wish I could take all the hurt and pain away from you, little man, but I cannot. Try to find happy things in each day to cheer you up. I look forward to seeing you again soon, and to you feeling lots better. Lots of love and cuddles. Nanny T.
Mum - I put this on for you - hope you don't mind. Allison