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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bed at last

Today Kallan finally got a bed but not where he wanted.We got a bed in clancy ward again but couldn't get into camperdown.I'm going to ask to speak to someone who is part of the decision making on who goes where and how the whole process works.I'm hoping to get a better understanding of the procedures involved so that when,not if,this happens again i might be a little more understanding.

On a much better note we had an extremely good day today with Mum bringing Kal's Auntie Michelle down for her first visit down here.She bought her kids,Tegan,Hayden and Sarah down with her.Also coming down today were the Morris clan along with Steve's mother Lyn who has been following Kal's progress closely.To top things off Karina arrived shortly after and with Mum packing enough food to feed a small army we had a very nice lunch.After lunch we let the kids go mad in the playground for a while and then went up to the hospital so all the kids could have a bit of a play in the starlight room.They all wanted to check out all the posters up around the place as well.

As the saying goes "all good things must come to an end" as it did in the afternoon when everyone had to make there way back home.Worse still was the fact that Shaylie also left with them.I'ts been tough without having Karina and Shaylie around all the time.I can't wait to spend some time together as a family away from hospitals and in a whole different environment.Knowing that we can come home for a bit after this lot of chemo has made the delays all the more frustrating.Anyway we have a bed now and i just hope he gets through this without too much suffering.


Anonymous said...

thats great news u have a bed. we are thinking of you in this next round love to you from melissa and michael

Phil said...

Well we certainly enjoyed our day with you yesterday. All of the kids had a great day, needless to say that on the way home, my car was very quiet. Trey was the first to fall asleep, then Hayden and lastly, Sarah. On waking, Trey commented - "We had a great day with Kal Nan and had lots of play and then had a big sleep." I think thats the way it should go too. I don't think Leyanne's car was as quiet as ours as she had all the girls on the way home -(as the seating arrangements were organised by Shaylie even before we arrived down there I believe).

Once again - thanks for such a great day. I was a afraid that my little car would not start up after only spending the day in the car park down there and not a number of days as is the usual case.

I hope this treatment goes smoothly and that you get the chance to come home so that you can be a whole family together for a while, and that Kal can get to visit his school mates as well.

Lots of love as always
Nanny Carol

Samuel Procter said...

Hi Kal,Great news buddy a bed at last,what a relief i bet you are glad for a bed. Hope everything goes great for your next round of chemo. From Samuel

Samuel Procter said...

Hi Kallan. Thats great news that you have a bed. All the best for your next round of chemo. From Matthew Procter

Anonymous said...

Well - it's good that you're finally underway again Kal, even if it's in the ward where it's harder to manage. Will be thinking of you as always and hoping you manage ok and make a quick recovery. It must have been nice to have everyone there - a bit of a shock to the system having all that company I'll bet. Love Karen, Mark, Isaac & Saskia xxxx

Anonymous said...

Well Dash,Karina& Kal,
The Kids are still talking bout yesterday even today.Monica told her assistant principal about Kal & she is saying a special prayer for Kallan at this weeks litergy she is also planning to take in one of the posters for news tomorrow(they are star struck about their famous cousin)Even as I was dropping Trey off to Mum's to go to work this morning he was saying what a fun day he had at Kallan's hostibal and McDonald's house! Amazing what an effect it has on one's so young !I guess we are all hanging out for the time that you guys will be at home (as trey says "Kal's real home")

Again Thank You For such a great day!

We Love You
The Morris Clan