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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Still no bed

We went up to clinic today and,as i half expected,got told they were still unsure about beds.Donna from clinic rang later and said to try again tomorrow.Doesn't fill me with much confidence.We're booked in for an appointment tomorrow to do the admission paper work regardless of whether there are beds or not.Even Kal wants to get in and get started despite earlier not minding the delay.

We bumped into the man who looks after the birds and Kal asked if he'd seen the dead bird in the cage.He had but he also told kal that he's had 3 quails disappear as well as a young rosella who was ground dwelling because of deformed feet.He told kal that he was worried about a snake hiding in the Avery somewhere.He asked if Kal could keep an eye out for him.I don't think he realised how serious Kallan would take him but i can assure all of you that he's taken this role very seriously and has spent a lot of time at the Avery since.Even after tea he'd coerced another young fella to get his mums torch to check on the birds.He also did a fair bit of school work today which is good.

Just wanted to send out a "get well soon" to young Eliza Woods who is having an absolutely torrid time of it right now.She's having a bone marrow transplant tomorrow and from what her dad Rowen was saying they expect her to get worse before she gets better.She's a great kid and i can't wait to see her smiling again and starring at quiz time


Kathryn said...

We'll have to start calling Kal "The Bird Man"! Good onya Kal Pal for watching out for those birds.
What a bummer about the beds but sadder still is knowing why they are out of beds I guess.
I love you and wish as always I could come for a cuddle.
Just in way of news from our end, this little boy has been causing me grief with constant contractions in the middle of the night about every other night, but nothing has come of it as yet. We are still scheduled for the 23rd (if we make it til then) so expect a phonecall sometime during the day on your Tuesday, the 24th!!!

Samuel Procter said...

Hi kal . What a bummer no beds again hope you get a bed soon so you can start your chemo again. Sounds like you have a very important job keeping an eye on those birds for the man. Guess what was in the newcastle paper the other day, those Knights or should i say those girls with the skirts on. Samuel just won't learn to go for the greatest team of all hey Kal. Go you Wests Tigers 09 From The Procters